Run How to use

If you plan to get up at

You should try to fall asleep at one of the following times:

  • N/A

Or if you want to sleep right now

Sleep now

You should try to get up at one of the following times:

  • N/A
If you only have a hammer, you tend to see every problem as a nail.

Abraham Maslow

Advice for today

Physical: 50%

Your current health is in a critical period, you should be extremely careful because it is an unstable state in your health.


Emotional: 50%

Your current mood is in a critical period, you should pay more attention to your feelings because this is the unstable state in your mood.


Intellectual: 50%

Your current intellect is in a critical period, you should pay extra attention to your thoughts as it may lead to wrong decisions.


Average: 50%

Your current day is quite good, you should take little care.


365 days until your next birthday.

Compatibility with your friends








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Calculating Biorhythm: Understanding and Applying the Concept

Biorhythm is a fascinating concept that suggests our daily lives are significantly influenced by cyclical biological processes. By calculating biorhythm, we can gain insights into our physical, emotional, and intellectual states at any given time. This article explores the history, theory, and practical application of biorhythm calculation, providing a comprehensive understanding of this intriguing phenomenon.

The History of Biorhythm

The idea of biorhythm dates back to ancient civilizations, but it was more formally introduced in the early 20th century. Two prominent figures in the development of biorhythm theory are Wilhelm Fliess and Hermann Swoboda. Fliess, an ear, nose, and throat specialist, proposed that human lives are governed by periodic cycles. Swoboda, a psychology professor, independently came to similar conclusions, suggesting that cycles of 23 and 28 days influence human behavior and performance.

In the 1920s, Alfred Teltscher, an Austrian engineer, expanded on these ideas by introducing a third cycle of 33 days, which he believed influenced intellectual abilities. Together, these three cycles form the foundation of modern biorhythm theory, which posits that our physical, emotional, and intellectual states fluctuate in predictable patterns.

The Three Main Biorhythm Cycles

Biorhythm theory is based on three primary cycles, each with a distinct duration and impact on different aspects of our lives:

1. Physical Cycle (23 days)

The physical cycle lasts 23 days and is believed to influence physical strength, endurance, energy levels, and overall health. During the high phase of this cycle, individuals may feel more energetic and physically capable, while the low phase might bring feelings of fatigue and decreased physical performance.

2. Emotional Cycle (28 days)

The emotional cycle spans 28 days and affects mood, sensitivity, creativity, and overall emotional well-being. High phases of this cycle are associated with positive emotions, heightened sensitivity, and creativity, whereas low phases can lead to mood swings, irritability, and emotional vulnerability.

3. Intellectual Cycle (33 days)

The intellectual cycle, which lasts 33 days, is thought to impact cognitive functions, including logical thinking, memory, and problem-solving abilities. When in the high phase, individuals may experience enhanced cognitive performance and mental clarity, while the low phase can result in difficulties with concentration and decision-making.

Calculating Biorhythm

Calculating biorhythm involves determining where an individual is within each of the three cycles based on their birthdate. The process is relatively straightforward and can be done using a simple mathematical formula or with the help of online biorhythm calculators. Here is a step-by-step guide to calculating biorhythm manually:

Step 1: Determine the Number of Days Lived

First, calculate the total number of days you have lived up to the current date. This can be done by subtracting your birthdate from the current date. For example, if you were born on January 1, 1990, and today is July 18, 2024, you would calculate the number of days between these two dates.

Step 2: Calculate the Remainder for Each Cycle

Next, divide the total number of days lived by the length of each biorhythm cycle (23, 28, and 33 days) and note the remainders. These remainders represent your current position within each cycle. For instance, if you have lived 12,574 days, you would divide this number by 23, 28, and 33 to find the remainders.

Step 3: Determine the Current Phase

The remainders indicate how far along you are in each cycle. By comparing these remainders to the cycle length, you can determine whether you are in the high, low, or critical phase of each cycle. The critical phase occurs when the remainder is close to half the cycle length, suggesting a transition point where fluctuations in energy, mood, or cognitive function might be more pronounced.

Practical Applications of Biorhythm

Understanding and calculating biorhythm can have various practical applications in daily life, ranging from personal well-being to professional performance. Here are some ways biorhythm insights can be applied:

1. Personal Health and Wellness

By tracking your physical biorhythm cycle, you can better manage your energy levels and plan activities accordingly. For instance, scheduling intense workouts or physically demanding tasks during high phases can enhance performance and reduce the risk of injury. Conversely, recognizing low phases can help you allocate time for rest and recovery.

2. Emotional Awareness

Understanding your emotional cycle can improve emotional intelligence and self-awareness. By recognizing patterns in mood fluctuations, you can develop coping strategies for low phases and make the most of high phases by engaging in creative or emotionally fulfilling activities. This awareness can also enhance interpersonal relationships by fostering empathy and understanding.

3. Cognitive Performance

Tracking the intellectual cycle can help optimize cognitive performance and productivity. Planning tasks that require critical thinking, problem-solving, and decision-making during high phases can lead to better outcomes. During low phases, focusing on routine or less demanding tasks can help maintain efficiency without overtaxing cognitive resources.

4. Professional and Academic Success

Biorhythm insights can be valuable in professional and academic settings. For example, students can schedule study sessions and exams during intellectual high phases to maximize academic performance. Similarly, professionals can plan important meetings, presentations, and projects during peak cycles to enhance effectiveness and success.

Criticisms and Limitations of Biorhythm Theory

While biorhythm theory offers intriguing insights, it is not without criticisms and limitations. Some of the key points of contention include:

1. Lack of Scientific Evidence

One of the main criticisms of biorhythm theory is the lack of robust scientific evidence supporting its claims. While some studies have suggested correlations between biorhythm cycles and human performance, others have failed to replicate these findings. As a result, the scientific community remains divided on the validity of biorhythm theory.

2. Individual Variability

Human beings are complex and influenced by numerous factors, including genetics, environment, lifestyle, and psychological state. Biorhythm theory, with its fixed cycle lengths, may oversimplify the intricate interplay of these factors, leading to generalized predictions that may not accurately reflect individual experiences.

3. Placebo Effect

Another consideration is the potential influence of the placebo effect. Believing in the impact of biorhythm cycles may lead individuals to perceive changes in their performance and well-being based on their expectations. This psychological effect can complicate the interpretation of biorhythm data and its practical applications.


Calculating biorhythm provides a unique perspective on the cyclical nature of human experience, offering insights into physical, emotional, and intellectual fluctuations. While biorhythm theory has its critics and limitations, many individuals find value in tracking their cycles and applying this knowledge to enhance various aspects of their lives. By understanding the principles of biorhythm and incorporating this awareness into daily routines, we can potentially improve our well-being, productivity, and overall quality of life.
